Wednesday, September 24, 2014


And  neglected    that  Mother- Source for  Millenniums .
Just as  Humanity    is      Treating    It's  Mother - Race   NOW   as
OBJECTS   of   SEX    or   Sensual  enjoyment    or  COMMERCIAL   Commodities   or  even   Hormonal  OUT -LET  (RAPES ).

Now  is  the   Winter  of  ' Daddy  -Mommy  and  Vow  ".

Sanskrit   is  the  MOTHER  -Source    of  389  GLOBAL  Languages .

Keep-  yourself - INFORMED .
Sanskrit is mother of all languages, says Gujarat Governor OP Kohli - Gujarat Governor O P Kohli on Wednesday said Sanskrit is the mother of all languages and no other language can flourish without its help. "Sanskrit is a pillar of our tradition, history and heritage which has made enormous contribution to what India is today. Sanskrit is the mother of all languages and has played a vital role in the development of all Indian languages and in th...

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