Monday, January 23, 2012

" I look forward  to the death of  religion : Dawkins - The times of India , kolkata, Tuesday, January 24,2012; p-10"
Mere wish does not work. 
Though some  atheists are ,even, more  spiritual --Dawkins  has to live  equivalent period of , beyond his life -span . 
Modern cosmology says  for the  total death of the Universe  we have to wait another 13 billion years  through dissolution process.
Religion  ( blind faith/non-discriminatory) is oftener like the  gross  of a Socio-ethnic process within built-in  economic greed  .
Before  mentioning Vatican  Vs  Elizabeth-I - tale , he should have  re- counted  how  the Catholic Religion  put BRUNO  , one of the greatest scientist ,  on Stake . for his 'faith'.
 The word "faith' itself is  oftener mi's-leading. Like Matter -antimatter or 'agent-antigent' phenomenon, even  religious faith  and faith of Atheist can be antagonistic. Spirituality is  a different   scientific phenomenon  ,
 It was  oily in India where in olden golden days , even  Charvak , a true MAMMON  was , even allowed to preach freely without any community- Conflict which  a Western import to India under Feudal & Imperial rule.
Even to wish  the DEATH of all RELIGIONS  is a dogmatic or SECTARIAN Faith  or  Egoistic  deformity.
I believe in the DIVINE or  First Cause ( not Eastern or western God) and  respect all Religions  with full tolerance  and  have respect for others faith of any type and not  inflicting  Violence.

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